what are the political and administrative roles carried out by the SG

NASLA E-Learning Forums MODE DE GESTION DES CTD what are the political and administrative roles carried out by the SG

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      The Secretay General is the chief administrator of the council interms of supporting and giving concrete advice to the Mayor that will aid him in making good decisions and policies as far as council administration is concern and thus is endowed with a series of functions and responsibilities as follows:
      1. The SG is the one incharge of the general coordination/organization of all the council services placed under her charge of command by the organigram
      2. He/She is charged with the maintenance and keeping of council’s documentary such as deliberations, minutes of sessions and other meetings held in the council that has to do with running.
      3. the SG being the pivot of council affairs, he/she thus acts as a liason or go between officer between the council administration and other stake holders be it internal or external which could be the government, foreign stakes and even the community at large.
      Administratively, the SG is charged with coordinating the activities of service and bureau heads, make recommendations on issues relating to council administrative management and prepares decisions when deemed by the mayor. he/she equally represents the Mayor at meetings when assigned and organize and monitor teams. in terms of policy guidance, he works in synergy with other stakes like the municipal treasurer to ensure that decisions taken are in line with the code of regulations and relevant texts enforced. The SG is the one incarge of planning and programming meetings such as council sessions. she equally is the custodian of personnel management making sure that all workers are diligent and responsible with respect to work ethics.
      generally speaking, the role of SGs in councils are enormous as they are the ones responsible for ensuring that all council decisions are implemented and followed up.

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