1) What was the size of your budget and administrative accounts? a. In 2021; 2022; 2023?
2) How many Councillors, Deputy Mayors and employees does your Council have?
3) Do you have a functional organisational chart (adopted by the Council)?
a. If yes, how old is it? If no, why?
4) Do you think it would be possible to increase your Own Revenue?
a. If yes, how? If no, why?
5) Have you identified the main source of your Own Resources?
6) Do you have a capacity-building plan for your human resources?
a. If yes, who prepared it? If no, have you nevertheless identified areas of expertise in which some of your resources need to be strengthened?
7) How much money is the council able to allocate for training each year?
8) In which service do you think the staff need training the most?
9) Over the last 3 years, how many staff have you trained, and on what topics?